Scientist Atheist Converts to Islam Part 1 | YOU will cry | 'LIVE'
8 years agoIs There a God? | Watch and learn THE Proof. This Channel is NOT monetised so we get NO money for it ! Please support the work by 'Clic...
Is There a God? | Watch and learn THE Proof. This Channel is NOT monetised so we get NO money for it ! Please support the work by 'Clic...
This Channel is NOT monetised so we get NO money for it ! Please watch and learn an easy Da'wah technique. Please support the Da'wah by ...
See 'The Proof of Islam' & Fifteen Reasons Why The Qur'an is a Miracle. This Channel is NOT monetised so we get NO money for it ! Please...
What is 'The Proof' That Causes a Russian Atheiest to convert ? | YOU will cry! This Channel is NOT monetised so we get NO money for it !...
A 'Clever Atheist' cannot deny the miraculousness of The Qur'an. Learn How to Invite a Clever Atheist to Islam. ...
Learn Why Jewish Atheist/Agnostic accepts The Qur'an as the Proof of God existing. This Channel is NOT monetised so we get NO money for...
Causality, The Principle of Cause and Effect Put simply:
If the Universe did not have a cause it can only mean:
Is that possible?
2. Everything must have a beginning because things cannot go back forever; it’s just illogical. Now we have The Big Bang Theory which gives a start to EVERYTHING!
BUT…“If The Universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause?”
The answer is that if God needs a Creator, and then that Creator needs another Creator, and so on. Which means you will never come to a starting point (this is called Infinite Regress). Therefore there has to be a Creator who is NOT created!
Who Made God?
Space and Time are linked together in this Universe. This is called a Space-Time – Continuum. Scientists/Physicists agree that with the beginning of the Universe it wasn’t just matter that came to being, but time itself started! Therefore if something is outside this Universe, it would be outside our Time-Frame and it may be outside Time altogether. – This doesn’t prove the existence of a Creator but it gives rise to the possibility of a Creator who is outside Time and therefore does not have a beginning and therefore does not need a Creator!
The Design Argument points to the Fine Tuning of The Universe which suggests intelligence in the design and therefore an intelligent designer.
The most amazing thing about the design of The Universe is not how parts of it exist today, but how it started. If we were simply pointing to the Fine-Tuning of parts of The Universe then atheists would counter this by explaining how vast the universe is and therefore parts of it could be finely tuned.
Most physicists agree that The Universe started as a low entropy universe. Entropy is the degree of disorder in a system; therefore a low entropy universe is a highly ordered universe. This means that after the initial explosion from a small lump (or in physics terms rapid cosmic inflation from a singularity) the result was highly organised.
Professor Roger Penrose, Professor of mathematics at Oxford University and Nobel Laureate in Physics, has worked out the probability of a universe starting as a low entropy universe. The probability of this is (1010 )123 :1
Therefore the probability of a universe starting as it has, is extremely, extremely, extremely small and therefore it suggests that there must be a designer and a creator.
The only counter argument to this would be a multi-verse and even Stephen Hawking was not in favour of a multi-verse and in fact very few scientists are.
Throughout history there have been some incredibly good people. These people led very good, honest and decent lives. At some point in their life they said that ‘God’ had communicated with them in some way. They went out and gave this message. As a consequence of giving this message, they were persecuted and their followers were also persecuted and sometimes they were killed. They gained no material or worldly benefit from this message. They usually lived very simple, modest lives and were not interested in material wealth. They all gave the same identical message. The question is why did they do this?
The possibilities are:
Altruism – They were being altruistic – i.e. they wanted to help people and society
Delusion – They were deluded – i.e. they had some psychological problems
True Prophethood – They were indeed Prophets of Almighty God
Almighty God sent ‘The Prophets’ with miracles, by which people could recognize that these people were true Prophets.
The Miracle that can be seen today is the miracle of The Qur’an. ( A book revealed to Prophet Muhammad ).
How can a book be a miracle, after all we have: Shakespeare, Dickens, and Jane Austen?
There are many reasons why The Qur’an is a miracle. Only fifteen are listed below:
1. The Qur’an is over 1400 years old – yet has remained unchanged; this fact is accepted by all (almost all) Scholars.
This is something promised in the Qur’an itself.
“It is We who have sent down the Dhikr (Qur’an), and surely We will preserve it” (Qur’an 15:9)
2. Contains many ‘Scientific Statements’ [Scientifically accurate statements] even though the book is 1400 hundred years old. All of these statements are 100% correct (That is when it comes to stablished science’).
For example, The Qur’an:
Therefore two things are mentioned:
• Swimming.
• Circular or elliptical movements.
To swim would require a medium or substance to swim in. We NOW know that ‘empty’ space is filled with dark-energy and dark-matter Higgs-Boson particles form part of this. Just as bodies with clothes in a swimming–pool would have water sticking to them and adding mass. Similarly, matter in space has mass because of the Higgs-Boson. Also the movement of The Sun (around the Milky-Way) and the planets is indeed circular/elliptical.
Geologists agree with the above statements.
Effect of Mountains on the Earth [Indicates the presence of Plates, Plate-Tectonics] See Qur’an 78:6-7, 16:15
The Water Cycle (Qur’an translated Surah 7 Verse 57). This is obvious to us now, but was not known at the time of The Prophet Muhammad.
3. Just as miraculous is the fact that even though The Qur’an mentions many diverse subjects and is 1400 years old (on Earth), it contains NO errors. This is mentioned by Professor Jeffrey Lang, – Prof of Mathematics at a University in the USA.
4. Is Easy to Memorise Completely – At least 10 Million people have memorised the complete Qur’an; even though most of these people can’t even speak Arabic!
In The Qur’an it says: “…made easy to remember” (Qur’an 44:58)
5. Given to an Unlettered Prophet The Book was given to a man ( The Prophet Muhammad ) who could neither read nor write as was God’s Plan. This is mentioned in the Qur’an and his enemies did not accuse him of lying. No one ever saw him read or write! see Qur’an 7:157
6. The Words have the effect of positively changing peoples’ lives. Many studies have shown that people who believe in ‘God’ are a lot happier and less likely to suffer from anxiety stress and depression. This is especially true of ‘The Qur’an’.
7. Contains no Contradictions. There is not a single contradiction in the Qur’an even though it was revealed over a 23 year period a little bit at a time. It is also important to remember that the Quran was revealed according to situation, circumstance and sometimes in answer to questions that were asked. Therefore it would make it difficult to make it consistent and co-ordinated.
“Don’t they ponder over the Qur’an, had it been from anyone besides Allah, they would surely have found therein many contradictions” (Qur’an 4:82).
8. Linguistic Miracle – The way that the Arabic Language is used is Powerful and Inimitable. It’s the way words have been constructed and used. The construction of the sentences, paragraphs and Chapters [Surahs].
9. Contains a Challenge from God. Challenges mankind to produce one Surah Like it.
The Qur’an says that this can NEVER be done.
“And if you are in doubt about what we have sent down upon our servant then produce a chapter like it…” (Qur’an 2:23).
A challenge like this from a human being would be a very arrogant and impossible to uphold. Only Almighty God who is outside our ‘Space-Time’ continuum could say such a statement and it would remain true.
10. The effect of The Book has been to produce-‘The Largest Practiced Religion‘– 1.9 Billion followers
11. It has also produced ‘The Fastest Growing Religion’ (According to The Pew Institute in The USA)
12. Many Historical events that happened before Prophet Muhammad are mentioned – all of these have been shown to be completely accurate, even though the Qur’an may sometimes differ from The Bible.
13. Events that happened after The Prophet Muhammad left The Earth i.e. Prophecies – have all come true.
14. Qur’an Explains How Religions started – again it is 100% accurate.
15. The Qur’an contains: An Economic, Social & Welfare system. All of these are still applicable & needed today.
Further more:
The Muslims believe The Qur’an to be Almighty God’s words, given to The Prophet Muhammad via The Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel).
The Qur’an says it is from God:
“The revelation of the Book (Qur’an) is from The Lord of the Alamin” (Qur’an 21:2)
There is only ONE version of The Quran!
By any measurement The Qur’an sets the highest of moral standards and it contains nothing which could be regarded as bad. “An Arabic Qur’an without any crookedness” (Qur’an 39:28)